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Welcome to Kitz!
We just opened. PLEASE NOTE: These Kitz are NOT Factory assembled or supplied. These are put together customly, so NO 2 KITZ ARE ALIKE. That means you get a different Kit than anone else!

Why can't I find a Kit for X System?
Because they are not planned to be made. There will only be a Kit for a system IF we come across that system. However, Reloads are made for as many systems as Possibble.
I heard about a Trade-In program. What's up?
Read below for info on the trade-in system.
What are credits?
You get credits for trade-ins. They are worth more than the USD in the Kitz store.

Trade-In your gaming stuff for OURS!
Tired of your games, systems, accesories and other gaming stuff, but don't wanna get a wimpy .50 for 5 Games??? If so, hold off on trading in to Gamestop or EB and trade with us! We offer FAIR Prices for your games, and you recive a 10% discount card and Membership with your first trade-in! Trade Today!
Find more info on the About Us page.